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Said: : "Thank you all for good ideas and discussion. We have much to talk about!"
Said: : "To respond to Anne's question, Here is the right to stop work in the A401 subcontract at section 4.7 in the 2007 and 4.8 in the 2017 version: And here is the corresponding clause in the ConsensusDocs 750 Subcontract 2011 version section...
Said: : "In response to Tracy, I reached out to one of the key players in getting the no pay/stop work provision in Pennsylvania. He is the Director of Legislative Affairs of the Finishing Contractors Association. Name is Mike Oscar and he just ...
Said: : "Jumping on the subject of liquidated damages: Tracy's issue #1 tied to stop work: Tracy is absolutely correct. Subs all too often agree to some heavy LD penalties passed through by the GC. Most often the GC reacts to a question about ...
Said: : "1) Stop Work: Would love to get together with the players in the others states that have stop work victories to discuss the opposition arguments. Also, as wonderful as it sounds to be able to sto work, we must consider Prime Contract pa...
Said: : "Hi Team, I like Julie's recommendations. It is so difficult to get paid by the contractor. I thought we tried an interest penalty on unpaids, but then took it out of the bill to ensure passage. I very well could be wrong about that! Bes...